Others such as machine translation ( MT), speech synthesis, automatic classification, automatic summarization, automatic proofreading etc., require the use of word segmentation. 其他的比如机器翻译(MT)、语音合成、自动分类、自动摘要、自动校对等等,都需要用到分词。
It is, however, very useful for people who are blind to be able to use a copy machine or word processor. 然而,失明的人能够使用复印机或文字处理软件是非常有用的。
Note that mm changes a machine word. 请注意,mm更改一个机器字。
High bytes of machine word are reversed. 处理机字的高位字节是反向的。
The racket performance machine ( known as "MYO"– the Greek word for muscle) is a custom built machine designed to measure the maximum power a racket can generate. 网球拍性能测试仪器(被称为“MYO”-希腊语意为“力量”)是一个用于测试球拍最大受力的常规仪器。
Machine readable form word processing equipment with OCR input 光符阅读器输入字词处理设备
It is your professor instructing you how to use the machine and how to obtain the perfect performance in word processing system. 你的专家指示你怎样使用机器和怎样在字处理系统里获得完美的性能。
Thus, Chinese word segmentation becomes a first step in many of the Chinese information processing applications, such as machine translation, document classification, document retrieval, document filtering, and statistics of word frequencies, etc. 因此,汉语词汇的切分(分词)在中文信息处理的许多应用领域,如机器翻译、文献检索、文献分类、文献过滤、词频统计等,是非常重要的第一步。
Parallel corpus has valuable application in machine translation, bilingual dictionary compilation, word sense disambiguation and Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval. 除机器翻译方面的应用之外,平行语料库的建设对于双语词典编纂、词义消岐和跨语言信息检索也具有重要价值。
In addition to applications in machine translation, the bilingual named entity word alignment is also useful in terms extraction, information retrieval, translation dictionary compilation, and natural language generation. 除了在机器翻译方面的应用的之外,双语名实体词对齐在术语提取、信息检索、翻译词典编纂、自然语言生成也有着重要的用途。
For a long time, the machine translation systems take the word as the language translation fundamental unit. 长期以来,机器翻译系统都是以词为语言翻译的基本单位。
The designing of a new construction scheme centering on the development of a new kind scan and identify machine based on the technology of dot matrix, turns the construction of personal Chinese word stock be true. 一种基于点阵技术的以新型点阵扫描识别仪研究开发为核心的新型方案设计,使得个性化中文字库的构造可以较好的实现。
On the Multiaspect Directing Principle of Machine Readable Catalog Entry Word 试论机读目录标目的多面引向原则
And with the cotton roots, the G. This paper is main to state the machine word roots organization circumstance. 本文主要陈述了现代维吾尔语语料库加工处理系统的机器词根构造情况。
The Machine Word Roots Dictionary Research of Contemporary Uighur Corpus Processing 汉字百部首两用代码现代维语语料库加工处理中的机器词根词典研究
The method uses finite backtracking test pattern generation method to generate test code, and then simulates to validate the fault covering by means of parallel pattern single fault propagating method with n ( machine word) test vectors. 该方法采用有限回溯测试模式产生方法生成测试码,采用n(机器字长)个测试码并行的单故障传播方法模拟验证测试覆盖。
This paper delivers a method using string kernel in support vector machine without word segmentation and the experiment reports a good result. 论文尝试一种基于字符串核函数的支持矢量机方法来避开分词对中文文本分类,实验表明此方法表现出较好的分类性能。
This system takes full advantage of the theory of MMC ( multilevel machine code) to increase the ability of browser and to raise its Chinese text processing level from character to word. 该系统充分利用了多级内码的相关理论,将浏览器的汉字处理水平提高到词一级。
It centralized-controls the charge and discharge machine, enhances the word efficiency, improves the work environment of works. 多台充放电机的充放电过程在后台机上以分屏的形式直观显示,画面灵活切换;对1&4台充放电机实行集群控制,大大提高了工作效率。
For machine tools whose Internet communication ports are RS-232 serial ports, switch networking control strategy by protocol; In remote control, the main computer have long-distance transfer function, in other word, the NC machine can control remote computer to send numerical control codes. 对于通信口为RS-232串行口的机床,采用协议转换联网控制策略;在远程控制中,主计算机具有远程调用功能,即数控机床可控制远端的计算机进行数控代码的发送。
One of the basic parts of Natural Language Processing and Machine learning is Chinese word segmentation. Chinese Language Processing deals with Chinese in three levels: Words 、 Phrases and Sentences. 中文分词是机器学习,自然语言处理中的一个基础部分,中文分词处理要对输入的中文语句在字、词、句三个层面上进行处理。
Be different from only using machine learning classification algorithms for word sense disambiguation, this paper proposes a new model of word sense disambiguation. 跟以往的只用机器学习中的分类算法进行消歧不同,本文提出了一种新的词义消歧模型。
Semantic knowledge base can almost be used in any aspect of Natural Language Processing, such as syntactic analysis, machine translation, word sense disambiguation, information extraction and so on. 语义知识库几乎可以应用于自然语言处理的任何方面,例如句法分析、机器翻译、词义消歧、信息抽取等。
Based on the definition of useful reviews, this paper use support vector machine, introducing one feature that the co-occurrence of product feature and sentiment word. 基于有用评论的定义,本文采用支持向量机分类器进行分类,并引入产品特征词和情感词共现的特征。
As the fundamental of text mining, machine translation and information retrieval, Chinese word segmentation is a key component in natural language understanding. 汉语分词是自然语言理解中的一个主要组成部分,同时也是文本挖掘,机器翻译,信息检索的基础。
Pitching machine intensifies the practice of students per unit time as well as increases their physical activity and exercise intensity. In one word, this kind of teaching makes physical training not only more interesting but also more efficient. 在单位时间内,发球机使学生练习密度增加,运动量和运动强度也相应增强,使趣味性和实效性的练习在体育锻炼中实现了有效的结合,效果良好。
This paper makes use of the natural language processing, machine learning, statistical machine translation technology, in view of the network Chinese review information, extract the evaluation target and evaluation word collocation relations. 本文借助自然语言处理、机器学习、统计机器翻译等技术,针对中文网络评论信息,抽取出其中的评价对象和评价词的搭配关系。